The Way of the Cross
The Way of the Cross is a Pilgrimage Trail available all-year round to Tourists, Pilgrims and anybody who wants to..Read More
Jesus, you are condemned to death
Jesus is between the soldiers and Pilate. Below is the enraged mob. They want Jesus crucified. People, angry, influenced by..Read More
Jesus, you are taking the heavy cross On your already wounded shoulder
The big heavy cross appears as if it needs to be balanced on Jesus’ shoulders. People who are following Him,..Read More
Jesus, you fall for the first time under the cross
The weight of the cross is terrible. After only a few steps, Jesus falls. He has already suffered so much...Read More
Jesus, you meet your grieved mother
A station dedicated to all mothers and pilgrims! We again see the big cross that dominates the scene. Jesus’ and..Read More
Jesus, Simon of Cyrene is helping You carry the cross
Jesus is at the center of the scene. His strength is gone. He seems to be drawn to the ground..Read More
Jesus, Veronica is offering you a Cloth to wipe your face
Veronica leaves a group of women to go to Jesus. He turns towards her, so she can wipe His face...Read More
Jesus, you fall the second time under the cross
An increased violence prevails in this dramatic scene. Jesus is seen again with His knees on the ground, His hands..Read More
Jesus, you are consoling the tearful women of Jerusalem
As Jesus climbs Calvary, He meets a group of women from Jerusalem. Filled with pity from the scene, they cry..Read More
Jesus, you fall for the third time under the cross
This third fall is dominated by the overturned cross that is nearly hidden. It is dimly seen among the men..Read More