Sometimes it’s best to let other people tell the stories, here’s a lovely message I received from our volunteer children’s centre manager in Malawi. I hope it cheers up this gloomy Monday morning for you…..
Hi George!
I thought you may want to see these beautiful photos that Adina took of one of our newest sponsored children, Grace, opening her Christmas present from Father Christmas. None of these photos are staged, Adina just asked mum if Grace could open her present before she went home. I don’t think any of us imagined the sheer joy at receiving her own teddy! Grace’s family are very vulnerable due to financial hardships and she was mainly cared for by her sibling (until she started at MTCC) who is about 6 years old while mum tries to find piece work during the day. Mum was really happy about the present and I think that one little girl had a happy Christmas with her new friend.
All of our toddlers and babies (in total about 60 children in daycare)received a knitted toy and a jumper thanks to all of the kind knitters in the UK! We had lots of lovely feedback from parents expressing thanks. We have been and will continue to pass these toys and sweaters out to families in our community too! (The blankets are always being seen wrapped around babies locally!)
So thank you to all of those thoughtful busy hands who made many children very happy this Christmas!
Happy New Year!